emotions in the body and the mind
We have over 13 years of investigation and personal work and more than 7 years as therapist, accompanying emotional and psyco-corporals processes. We work together in all our cases, in an interdisciplinary way and collaborating with other therapists. Our aim is the welfare of the patient.
Gemma Domènech - Psyco-corporal Therapist
Graduate in Fine Arts - UB
Master in Dance Movement Therapy (DMT) - UAB
Dream Analysis - Jungian orientation
Co-sacral harmony - Based on Upledger method
Human Biography (HB) - Laura Gutman method
Erik Schjøren – Psyco-corporal Therapist
Chiromasseur – Dr. Fèrrandiz Santiveri method
Reflexologist - E. Ingham method
Dream Analysis - Jungian orientation
Functional Corporal Reeducation (FCR)- Mézières method
Human Biography (HB) - Laura Gutman method
Soft Bioenergetics - Eva Reich method
The path is not easy and is often painful. So we walk by your side to help you as copilots in a territory we already know but that should be explored and drawn by your own steps.
“Every muscle contraction contains the history and significance of its origin”
Wilhelm Reich